Bethel Mission Trips


HONDURAS (Mama Tara’s Orphanage)
A week trip to Honduras involves traveling to a remote area, Puerto Lempira, which is home to the indigenous people of the country. While in Puerto Lempira you will work with and for the 25 children at Mama Tara’s Orphanage. Opportunities for service while you are there are endless. Things we have done in the past: help work on the security fence, secure bunk beds, build cabinets, electrical work, rebuild a chicken coup, rescreen doors and windows, paint murals on the walls, cut hair, and offer a medical clinic. Most importantly you will form lasting relationships with the children teaching them their value in Christ! Every person, young or old, building experience or not, Spanish speaking or not, is useful and valuable on this trip.

Fundraisers: The Missions Committee is committed to helping members of the Bethel congregation who feel called by the Holy Spirit to participate in mission’s experiences not be halted by financial cost. For that reason, we as a committee aim to help participants cover a large portion of the trip costs through fundraising.

To receive financial support you must volunteer in our Annual Fundraisers which are; but not limited to:

  • Festival of Tables (Fall)

Scholarships: Participating in a mission trip can be expensive. We provide opportunities for participants to off-set the cost of the trips with several fund raisers throughout the year. But we know that sometimes those fund raisers are not enough. We also know that sometimes the Holy Spirit calls congregation members to participate in mission opportunities not organized by BUMC. For these reasons, our committee has set aside $1000 that is available for individual scholarships. Money is distributed on a first-come first serve basis.